A-Available or Single? How about confused???
B-Best Friend: Jessie & Lisa
C-Cake or Pie: Cake
D-Drink of Choice: crystal light
E-Essential Item(s): cell phone & computer
F- Favorite Colour(s): Purple (and pink)
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Gummy Worms
H- Hometown: York, PA
I- Indulgence: Chips
J- January or February: Just February
K- Kids: non existant
L- Life is incomplete without: love
M- Marriage Date: non exsistant
N- Number of Siblings: one brother and one sister
O- Oranges or Apples? oranges
P- Phobias/Fears: ANY bug, spider, snakes
Q- Favorite Quote: Say your "I love yous" before its too late
R- Reasons to smile: god wants me here for some insane reason
S- Season: Spring/summer
T- Tag Three: ????
U- Unknown Fact about Me: I am scared of love!
V – Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I eat what I want
W- Worst Habit(s): Eating junk food
X – X-rays or Ultrasounds?: I don't think I've ever had an ultrasound .. but tons of x-rays
Y- Your Favorite Foods: Pizza, Fries, Lasanga, Ice Cream, salads, fruit, bbq chips
Z- Zodiac: Sagittarius
Great answers! xoxBarbara
Great answers! I love Q and R's! :o)
This is cute i may have to snag :)
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