Friday, May 19, 2006

My Disappearing Act!

Sorry that I have been gone for almost 2 days!

I had a very hectic past few days!

As of this morning I was left in charge of the region (which by the way is eleven stores) for the next week and 1/2 ...

I left audix and took numbers yesterday, but we still were in contact with my boss (which is the regional manager), Angela!

She said that I had a good job at leaving an audix message .... she even told the director of stores, which is her boss!

I am a little nervous about the next week .....

I have been stressing out about that and some other things!

So I have some serious breakouts on my face!

So I need to calm down and take a few breaths!

I have some pictures to share with everyone!

Maybe I'll write another entry tonoght, if not I'll try tomorrow morning!


I need to go get myself together and try to catch up on alerts!


Anonymous said...

Great job with leaving the message, it says alot that your boss liked it and then told her boss.  Based on your comments I've got confidence you're going to do great the next few days.  Can't wait to see the pics, I hope theres one of Mark.  Leene

Anonymous said...

Im sorry the past few days have been hectic for u, I hope they get better for u.

Anonymous said...

man i know what you mean i've been stressed lately and i spent all day trying to "destress" putting acne cream all over too, lol
cant wait to see the pics, ttyl

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

My daughter has some serious acne going on too.  I got her this stuff called Cetaphil cleanser and it really seems to be working!  Hugs and GBU, Shelly